Welcome to Room 303 and Learnstrong

Welcome to Learnstrong.net, a website of Dr. Tim McGee! 

“Come my friends, tis not too late to seek a newer world.” 

    Tennyson’s “Ulysses"

“Now understand me well- it is provided in the essence of things that from any fruition of success, no matter what, shall come forth something to make a greater struggle necessary.”

    Walt Whitman’s “Song of the Open Road”

“We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us even in our soundest sleep. I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavour….To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.”

    Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Room 303 and Range of Worland have teamed up to help you in your studies. See the newly updated information below or go the link for your class offering. Thanks to Joshua Viles for maintaining the site. If you have questions or comments send them to Dr. McGee at TMcGee@wsh1.k12.wy.us.

Welcome to the 2024 Fall Semester in room 303!!!

Welcome to McGee’s room 303!

If you are new to 303 you might want to study the following four videos and take some good notes so you understand our class rhythms. Please see your course outline down below and see your class video link lectures (in YouTube) to the left.

The 303 Intro Lectures: 

    303 Intro, Lecture 1, Rules & Logistics: http://youtu.be/svHXPwzuaO0

    303 Intro, Lecture 2, Master Schedule: http://youtu.be/0VLI4lIoBV8

    303 Intro, Lecture 3, Annotation: http://youtu.be/N0YoOsagj8c

Practice Annotation of Psalm of Life: 

Longfellow’s Psalm of Life, A: https://youtu.be/2KNnln056I4

Longfellow’s Psalm of Life, B: https://youtu.be/_2Aa4aBG7tA

Find a copy on-line of this text: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44644/a-psalm-of-life

    303 Intro, Lecture 4, Writing: http://youtu.be/rmBtWfRPA-U

The Big 5

The Big 5: An Intro: https://youtu.be/7GES49EAC3M

The Big 5: #1, Epistemology: https://youtu.be/p9ZdvIg42T0

The Big 5: #2, Ontology: https://youtu.be/mAz_eTd-xno

The Big 5: #3, Psychology: https://youtu.be/B1llmqSOeMs

The Big 5: #4, Sociology: https://youtu.be/u39j7CiAlrQ

The Big 5: #5, Theodicy: https://youtu.be/hEBqac-UETM

Fall 2024 Course Outlines: 

Period 1: Junior A

Period 2: Senior A, Orange

Period 3: Senior A, Technical

Period 4: Senior A, Black

Period 6: Juniors Honors

Period 7: Psychology

Period 8: Senior A, White

Friday: Philosophy

See the following handouts to help you study the videos: 

    Day 1 To Do List Sheet 

    303 Exam Study Guide

    303 Rules and guidelines sign form 

    Plagiarism Awareness Contract sign form

    2024-2025 WHS Calendar

    Annotation Form Master

    Annotation Guidelines

    Master Schedule Deadline Check-off Form

    Read/Write Assessment Packet Cover Sheet

    Senior Student Information Form

Junior Student Information Form

    Freshman Information Sheet

    Skeleton Guide for Essays

    TEST Sheet Master Form

    Wordsworth’s Rainbow, Practice Annotation